Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Blast Off! Shuttle Discovery Rides Into Space, I dine on cheese.

That's right folks, America has once again shown the world how superior they are by sending their best and brightest into outer space (where, apparently, they will be of more use). After the Columbia tragedy in 2003, everyone was a bit nervous (I assume; like the Tour, I was not able to attend this landmark event), but thankfully, Jeb Bush was there to quelle fears with his expertise in aeronautiques and engineering. The ascent went off without a 'hitch' (that one is for you, Jeb) and over the next few days NASA will be replaying video footage on as many networks in as many countries as possible to illustrate the point that we really do do things better out west (and by west, I mean back east...in Florida). NASA is planning on bringing their fly boys down in 12 days (that's the eighth of August to you and me) and in one final desperate PR move, said astronauts, perhaps their wives, and certainly any other NASA employee remotely involved in the launch capable of supporting ten whole minutes of their own 'human interest' segment on the TODAY show will be paraded around with their patches, voyage photos, and heart-warming, patriotique tales. Coming to an elementary school near you!
It is an exciting acheivement-- not because they somehow managed to make it into space without any of the on-board hair dryers malfunctioning, but because, there are people in outer space! I forget that there are people, humains (okay, lets give credit where credit is due-- the monkeys made it up there first) living in and exploring outer space! And an event like this reminds me of what's going on up there. Mars, anyone? Lance Bass? That's right, members of NSYNC can go follow in the footsteps of Capt. James Tiberius Kirk, er..umm, NSYNC is breaking the way for Capt. James Tiberius Kirk?
Anyway, I do find it exciting, and I am glad they all made it there safely. Can I say how shitty it must've been for the crew of the Columbia to realize seconds into their trip-- the trip they had waited their entire lives for, the trip that would bring them fame and glory (and put their faces on countless commemorative porcelin plates and maybe a few postage stamps) that they weren't going to even break through the atmosphere? No. Too soon? Okay, well let me just say this, then: I admire astronauts,b/c much like Navy SEALS, these men and women must be both smart and athletic-- no pudgy computer technicians for the shuttle, just intense, focused, disciplined astronauts. I will never be an astronaut. You see, the claustrophia doesn't cancel out the acrophobia, so, being that high, and trapped inside a small tube for several hours would render me 'Here come's Johnny' insane! Compris? But, how cool would it be-- if ever, for the rest of your life, you had to fill out a form-- be it a credit card application, membership savings card at the dry cleaners, or pledge sheet for the March of Dimes, to write under 'occupation:' Astronaut?

Today was a lazy day at La Maison Danoise. I woke up around ten and ate my muesli as usual. I read for a while, cleaned my room, finished my laundry and did some grammar excercises in my workbook. Very exciting, very thrilling stuff. Around 4 p.m. I heard singing coming from the building across the street. A choir was practising and because their window were open, I have been listening to them for the past few hours. So beautiful, so peaceful.
For dinner tonight, I had a mushroom and tomato tart with bread, camenbert (one of my favorites), a peach, and some chocolate mousse.

Warning: If, having read all the way to this point, you have reached your limit and are not capable of handling anymore excitement, do not read on.

Tomorrow, I have a few errands to run, then, I will picnic in the Tuilleries and spend drop by the louvre. I might-- if I am feeling particularly adventurous (hold your breath) catch-up on some e-mails!

Ah, life in the fast lane.

FYI: the comment section is open for, well, comments. But it is also a good place to leave tidbits found in the news (to which I have no access) that you find particularly interesting or, perhaps, a waste of the news media's time.


Blogger Serena said...

*fun little fact: in France, a round chart divided through the middle is called a graphe camenbert-- not a pie chart as in english. Cheese really is that important here.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Serena said...

I just added a link to 1 Million Ways To Be Cruel video from OK Go (see right). If you can, you must watch it. Hysterical, genius, ect.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Serena said...

Well said, Madman. And congrats on DG's six weeks sans DG.
And Happy Birthday!

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Serena Face...I am coming TOMORROW. I CANNOT WAIT ANYMORE....

12:53 PM  
Blogger Serena said...

Sorry, Nique no russian films on my list. I am not a huge fan of russian cinema. :(

12:44 AM  

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